
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
The Emergencies Act inquiry has been rigged from the start
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Brian Peckford have a conversation about Brian's concern of the denigration of fundamental democratic institutions in Canada, some of the history of our democratic process and how that’s been deconstructed over the years leading us to the fiasco we’re experiencing now, and how over the last couple years the conspiracy theories have become more and more obviously true.
Brian Peckford was born in Whitbourne, Newfoundland on August 27, 1942, and was raised in the communities of Whitbourne, Marystown, and Lewisporte. He earned a Bachelor of Education degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and has completed postgraduate work in English Literature, Education, Psychology, and French Literature. Prior to entering politics, he was a high school teacher in rural Newfoundland.
Peckford was the Progressive Conservative candidate in the district of Green Bay in the 1972 provincial election. The PC Party won a majority government in the election and Peckford was elected in his district over the Liberal candidate. In 1973 he was appointed Parliamentary Assistant to Premier Frank Moores and the following year he was sworn into cabinet as the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Peckford became a business consultant and has sat on numerous boards since leaving politics including the board of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the 1990s. He relocated to British Columbia in the early 1990s and in 1998 was appointed to lead a one-person inquiry into the state of Fraser River salmon stocks and fishery management.
In 2008, he was appointed chair of a federal government–appointed expert panel to review federal chronic disease policy, especially diabetes, and to present a report to the federal Health minister. He is currently a director of Strongbow Exploration Inc., a public junior mining company. He has also been an advisor to the British Columbia Conservative Party, co-chairing the party's issues management committee.
The last living drafter and signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is the highest law of the land, is suing the Canadian federal government over its travel ban for the unvaccinated. Former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford, 79, is the main applicant in a case brought against the federal government by the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, according to a press release.
Peckford and Grey open up a can of worms when they have a conversation about the depth of the corruption in our judicial system, how our democratic system has evolved over the past couple decades, and where the emergencies act inquiry has failed us in its attempt to hold those wrongdoers accountable for their actions.
To find more from Brian Peckford you can visit: www.peckford42.wordpress.com
This episode’s recommended reading:
The Soul of the World - Roger Scruton
Knowledge And Decisions - Thomas Sowell
Turtles All The Way Down - Mary Holland J.D.
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Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Medical tyranny is running rampant in the Canadian health care system
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Daniel Nagase have a conversation about Dr. Nagase’s first experience challenging the Canadian health care’s administrative policies when he was working with a group of unstable patients, how he became a pariah during the initial phase of the pandemic when he was advocating for the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine while challenging the vaccine schedule, and his belief that the new mRNA technology is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb from a medical standpoint.
Nagase, who has resigned his license to practice in B.C., has been accused of violating professional standards by "making public addresses regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues that included his making misleading, incorrect, or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and measures for COVID-19."
Nagase was participating in an anti-vaccine protest outside the North Vancouver RCMP detachment where he suggested in his speech that there were more than a dozen stillbirths in 24 hours at Lions Gate Hospital among mothers who had received the COVID-19 vaccine and as a result has been facing backlash from the media and his peers.
A Discipline Committee Panel will be appointed to conduct a hearing to inquire into Dr. Nagase’s alleged misconduct, namely that, on or about December 9, 2021, while a registrant, Dr. Nagase contravened standards imposed under the Health Professions Act, including but not limited to the Canadian Medical Association’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism, by making public addresses regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues.
Dr. Nagase and Grey get into the story behind why the doctor started speaking out against the false narrative the medical profession was pushing, some of the turmoil that arose as a result of the actions Daniel had taken, and why he continues to fight against the establishment.
This episode’s recommended reading:
COVID-19 REMEDIES - Caxton Opere MD
Resisting Medical Tyranny - Francis A. Boyle
Neither Safe Nor Effective - Dr. Colleen Huber
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Ken Drysdale’s Damning Report is making waves!
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Ken Drysdale have a conversation about the progress Ken and the people who support his efforts have been making since sharing the damning report back in July, how the RCMP has been responding to the demanding of an investigation, .
Ken R. Drysdale is an executive engineer with over 40 years of experience as a Professional Engineer, which includes 29 years experience in the development and management of national and regional engineering businesses.
After having established Accutech as a leader in the development of Arctic projects, in 2015 Ken successfully negotiated the sale of Accutech Engineering Inc., to a group of investors. Accutech remains the most recognized name in Arctic development in Canada, and annually completes the design for some $50 M dollars of construction in Canada’s Arctic.
Ken previously made an appearance on The Grey Matter Podcast sharing a damning report collating and detailing Statistics Canada data to show how information has been manipulated by the Mainstream Media outlets to further a nefarious narrative most have dismissed as conspiracy theory fodder.
To get a copy of the report written by Ken Drysdale you can visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/kensreport
To watch Ken’s first interview on The Grey Matter Podcast you can visit: https://youtu.be/tqsbJKVeQwI
Drysdale & Grey open up about what’s happened since the report Ken curated has hit the internet, how they’ve reached over a quarter of a million downloads, and how our public defenders have been responding to the report.
To find more from Ken Drysdale you can visit: www.TheTrueFactsC19.com
This episode’s recommended reading:
The Truth About COVID-19 - Doctor Mercola Joseph
COVID-19: The Great Reset - Klaus Schwab
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
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Friday Nov 18, 2022
Getting sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Ron Oliver have a conversation about how he came to be an elite level health coach who teaches a holistic approach to improving your overall health, how water plays an integral role in your digestion and prevents disease, and what you can start doing today to start making improvements to your own health.
Ron started his career at 22 years old, when he got hired as a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym in Vancouver, BC. After discovering a majority of clients were stuck taking pharmaceutical drugs because they were sick all the time, he sought out the truth about health and disease, how to increase longevity, and how to achieve a disease-proof immune system.
For over 30 years Ron has dedicated himself to developing the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding that is needed to achieve an extraordinarily healthy body, mind, and spirit.
After spending some years working alongside Scientists, Dr's, Biochemists, Natural Formulators, Strength and Performance Coaches Ron learned of the underlying causes of disease and how to develop a robust immune system and because of what he's learned he has not been sick once in over 25 years.
Mr. Oliver's discoveries inspired his business Elite Dynamic Life where he teaches about chronic dehydration, detoxing the body, the importance of a bio-available nutrition plan, how to support and develop your body with the right consistent exercise, and how to develop a very strong & disciplined mind so you can apply the right knowledge and training that will create and sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Oliver and Grey explore some of the more sensitive issues related to our gut health and why it’s important to pay attention to what you’re putting in your body, why the marketing machine and big pharma wants you to stay unhealthy to fuel their bottom line, and how important it is for you as an individual to take responsibility for your own health and immune system.
To find more from Ron Oliver you can visit: https://www.elitedynamiclife.com/
This episode’s recommended reading:
The TB12 Method - Tom Brady
The Living Diet - Ron Oliver
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Mike Rinder have a conversation attempting to explain as clearly as possible, what exactly scientology is, some of the experiences he had as a former Executive of the Scientology organization, and what he had to face to escape from the grips of the organization.
Michael John Rinder, born 10 April 1955, is an Australian-American former senior executive of the Church of Scientology International. From 1982 to 2007, Rinder served on the board of directors of the CSI and also held the post of executive director of its Office of Special Affairs, overseeing the corporate, legal and public relations matters of Scientology at the international level.
Rinder left Scientology in 2007. Ever since then, he has spoken about the physical and mental abuse inflicted upon staff members by Chairman of Scientology, David Miscavige and by Rinder himself before his departure from the cult and explained how abuse was embedded into the culture of Scientology.
From 2016 to 2019, he co-hosted the A&E documentary series "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath". In 2020, he and Remini reunited to launch the podcast Scientology: Fair Game. In September 2022, he published a memoir named A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology.
Rinder has said that he was living in The Hole for over two years "when he was suddenly pulled from his prison and sent on a mission to London to defend the Church against John Sweeney's film", Scientology and Me, in March 2007. Michael defended Scientology leader David Miscavige, but Miscavige was unhappy that Rinder was unable to stop the documentary from being shown. As a result, Rinder "was to report to the church's facility in Sussex, and dig ditches" and then was to be allowed to return to the United States.
After leaving Scientology, Michael relocated to Denver, Colorado and initially didn't intend to speak out against the organization and in 2009, when St. Petersburg Times asked Rinder for an interview, he declined. However, a month later, two Washington-based Scientology lawyers went to his home unannounced, informed Mr. Rinder that they knew about the newspaper's visit and asked what he had revealed.
Rinder and Grey take a deeper look at the Scientology organization and some of the outrageous claims that were made to entice it’s followers into the cult-like institution, how the celebrity endorsed consortium established its presence in the mainstream consciousness,
To find more from Mike Rinder you can visit: www.MikeRindersBlog.org
This episode’s recommended reading:
A Billion Years - Mike Rinder
My Billion Year Contract - Nancy Many
The Church of Fear - John Sweeney
Going Clear - Lawrence Wright
Troublemaker - Leah Remini
Blown for Good - Marc Morgan Headley
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Carbon Tax hikes are crushing the Canadian Economy
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Jay Goldbeg have a conversation about the elephant in the room when it comes to increasing tax hikes and inflation, why the banks and the governments continue to repeat the same song and dance expecting different results, and how the Trudeau administration has more than doubled Canadian debt.
Jay spent most of his career in academia, where he was most recently a policy fellow at the Munk School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. Jay was motivated to leave academia and join the CTF after seeing the consequences of high taxes, high deficits, and government waste on everyday Canadians.
Mr. Goldberg grew up in Toronto and spent some time living in Vancouver. He currently lives in Guelph with his wife Caroline. Jay is an avid reader of history and enjoys spending time with his dogs, Winston and Lincoln. Jay holds an Honour’s Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Toronto, and a Master of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is a citizens advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes, less waste, and accountable government. Jay wrote in a recent article for the Toronto Sun "Ford’s temporary gas tax cut has delivered much-need relief for Ontario taxpayers. But once the new year rolls around, Ford’s relief will be long forgotten if he doesn’t get to work on a plan to deliver something permanent."
Jay and Leighton start with the big issues when it comes to government spending and unexpected surplus after a pandemic, how the government is mismanaging the Canadian budget, and why it’s a terrible idea to start taxing the rich because of an unaddressed trickle down effect.
To find more from Jay Goldbeg you can visit: https://www.taxpayer.com/about/spokespeople/jay-goldberg
This episode’s recommended reading:
Economic Facts and Fallacies - Thomas Sowell
"Trickle Down Theory" and "Tax Cuts for the Rich" - Thomas Sowell
Liberal Fascism - Jonah Goldberg
The Dangerous Gateway To Government Censorship
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
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Friday Nov 04, 2022
Why is everyone talking about climate change now?
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Dr. Patrick Moore have a conversation about the evolutionary timeline of the earth, the role that the human species has played in those cycles, and some of the biggest climate change myths.
Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for over 30 years. He is a founding member of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International.
Beginning his career as an activist/leader in the Greenpeace movement Patrick now concentrates on collaborative efforts aimed at finding environmental solutions. He speaks and lectures frequently at universities, community meetings and conferences.
As the leader of many campaigns Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction while Greenpeace became the world's largest environmental activist organization. In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns.
In 2005, Moore criticized what he said were scare tactics and disinformation employed by some within the environmental movement, saying that the environmental movement "abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism". Moore contends that "most of the really serious environmental problems have been dealt with", and that the environmental movement seeks to "invent doom and gloom scenarios".
Since leaving Greenpeace, Moore has frequently taken sharp public stances against a number of major environmental groups, including Greenpeace itself, on many issues including forestry, nuclear energy, genetically modified organisms, and pesticide use.
Dr. Moore is an accomplished author and photographer and recently published "Green Spirit – Trees are the Answer", a book on forestry and the environment. He believes strongly in the multi-stakeholder, consensus-based approach to resolving conflicts involving environmental, social, and economic issues.
Moore and Grey take a deep dive into some of the climate change myths that have become politicized in recent months and why it’s so important to continue to question the narrative, how the media has sensationalized these myths to further political agendas, and what we should be doing to create a healthy and promising future for the human species.
To find more from Dr. Patrick Moore you can visit: http://ecosense.me/
This episode’s recommended reading:
Fake Invisible Catastrophes - Patrick Moore
Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout - Patrick Albert Moore
State of Fear - Michael Crichton
Wonderful Life - Stephen Jay Gould
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Former Gold Medal Olympian Jamie Sale Cancelled for Speaking Out
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Jamie Sale have a conversation about how the Gold Medal Olympian came to be an active and outspoken voice in the media questioning mandates and the mainstream narrative, what happened when the cancel culture took over and she was faced with attacks on her character, and some of the work she is doing in tandem with Canadians For Truth.
Jamie Rae Salé (born April 21, 1977) is a Canadian former competitive pair skater. With her former husband David Pelletier, she is the 2002 Olympic Champion and 2001 World Champion. Jamie Sale is best known for her career in Figure Skating, and was successful in winning the Gold Medal for Canada in pairs skating in the 2002 Olympics. This was after many years of competitive figure skating, where she placed 3rd or better 22 times with 16 Championship Honours.
Salé was born in Calgary, Alberta. She competed first as a singles skater, winning the novice bronze medal and placing eighth in junior ladies at the Canadian Championships. In 1994, Salé won the short program and finished with the bronze medal in the junior event at the Canadian Championships. That same year, she achieved her biggest success to date by winning the senior bronze medal with her pairs partner, Jason Turner.
Jamie is certified through The Life Mastery Institute to be a Dream Builder Coach and a Life Mastery Consultant. She enjoys serving others, helping them live a life that they would love through the transformational programs she offers as a personal life coach.
Canadians for Truth has invested in a studio and office located in the Olympic City of Calgary, Alberta. Our objective is to restore truth in Media by offering engaging and entertaining interviews with grassroot Canadians and Americans, holding media and politicians accountable, and offering edgy but truthful media that is both engaging and entertaining.
UNSTOPPABLE TRUTH will be an honest dive into the lives of regular Canadians to hear their stories of challenge, love, and finding the light in their darkest days. This will be a Video Podcast Show that is a Conversation that will relate to audience members who have shared similar challenges dealing with struggle in relationships and truth in their lives, but more importantly their journey of awakening and how this has inspired others to do the same.
Sale and Grey open up about some of the new data that is supporting early claims that the mainstream narrative was misleading citizens, how Canadians For Truth is working to create a platform that will address the censorship issues we’ve encountered, and the progress that is being made by the collective force of those fighting for our rights and freedoms.
To find more from Jamie Sale you can visit: https://www.canadiansfortruth.ca
This episode’s recommended reading:
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The Wuhan Cover-Up - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Positive Intelligence - Shirzad Chamine
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
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Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Dr. Eric Payne wins the court battle to keep his job after denying the mRNA vaccine
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Eric Payne have a conversation about what happened when he wrote a 19 page letter to the COllege of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, the data and references he used to make his case when he went to court to fight the mandates imposed by Alberta Health Services, and why we should be pushing back against the novel gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine.
Dr. Payne is a Canadian Pediatric Neurologist and researcher who completed his medical training at the University of Calgary, Mayo Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and Harvard University.
Eric wrote a 19 page letter to the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta council - which has since gone viral - addressing his position and protesting the possible loss of his job.
In a recent article released by The Western Standard Payne was quoted as saying “I am a father of three young children and remain very much pro-vaccine. While I refuse to take this novel experimental mRNA therapy, my wife, children, and I are completely vaccinated, including yearly flu shots."
Payne wrote in his letter addressed to the CPSA "these current mRNA vaccines represent a dramatic departure from using, for instance, live attenuated viruses. Rather, they represent a completely novel and experimental therapy with no long term data."
Payne and Grey explore the data that has been hidden from the public by the powers that be, why it’s so important for us to demand accountability in our health officials, and some hope for the future in the changing tides of our leadership.
This episode’s recommended reading:
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 And Lockdowns - Alex Berenson
Vaccine Roundup - Ian Usher
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Myocarditis - H.T. Nguyen
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Monday Oct 24, 2022
The World Economic Forum is Planning the Theft of Canada!
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Robert McCarter have a conversation about how he came to learn about an alarming agenda set forth by Klauss Schwabb and the World Economic Forum at a dinner party, the research he’s done in lieu of learning this information from a senior member of the Canadian Military, and some speculation as to what and why Canadian’s may be in trouble.
Robert McCarter is a retired science teacher living on Vancouver Island. He has a BSc (honours) in Zoology from the U. of Western Ontario and a M.Sc. from the U. of Guelph in Environmental Physiology.
Mr. McCarter recently learned of the nefarious agenda set forth by the World Economic Forum, lead by author Klauss Schwabb, and decided to fearlessly step forward to bring to light the wrongdoings of many of our representatives and leadership in Canada.
Robert wrote in a recent article on the FCPP blog "What we now know as “The Great Reset” has been in the works for a while, I first learned of the Great Reset for Canada back in August 2019 when I had a chance dinner conversation with a senior officer in the Canadian military."
McCarter learned from a letter written by a member within the Liberal Party of Canada that "the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts” in exchange for forfeiture of “all property and assets forever” and an agreement “to partake in the Covid-19 vaccination schedule”. This would allow them “unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down” using something called the Canada HealthPass.
McCarter and Grey explore the idea of education reform to help reshape our future as Canadians, why it’s important that we collectively continue to foster a prosperous economy to support social programs, and why it’s so important for us to question the narrative being presented to us in the mainstream media.
To find more from Robert McCarter you can visit: https://scicoca.com/
This episode’s recommended reading:
Apocalypse Never - Michael Shellenberger
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom - Patrick Moore
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
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