
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Modern Canadian Censorship: Should We Be Concerned?
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full essay:
Censorship is typically considered to be the removal or blocking of information, speech, or expression. It includes self-censorship, which is when individuals or organizations limit what they say for fear of repercussions. Historically, repressive governments have often shut down or silenced media sources, legislation has prevented journalists from freely reporting the truth, and those who did speak out were imprisoned or killed. In Canada, censorship is more often subtle than overt. It can take the form of muzzling scientists, refusing activists entry into Canada, book seizures at the border, and libel chill. The common denominator is that free voices are silenced.
Free expression and press freedom in Canada face bigger threats than ever. Journalists are unable to protect their confidential sources, public interest stories are not told, reporters are removed from prime ministerial media scrums, and journalists lose their jobs for publishing pieces that criticize government policy. National security agencies have greater access to our private data than ever before, without any oversight to protect our rights. Many journalists are routinely spied upon by police.
Censorship has followed the free expression of men and women like a shadow throughout history. The origin of the term “censor” is traced to the office of censor created in ancient Rome, around 443 BC. Just as in ancient Grecian communities, the Roman ideal of good governance included shaping the character of the people. Censorship was thus regarded as an honorable task. In China, the first censorship law was made over 1,700 years ago, and it is still a basic feature of Chinese society today.
To read the full essay visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/modern-canadian-censorship/

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Five Lessons From My Father
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An Excerpt from the full article:
Albert Einstein once quipped that there are only three ways to influence others: (1) Example; (2) Example; & (3) Example. The following are five lessons from my father. They are presented here in order of ascending importance.
Here is an excerpt from the eulogy given at the funeral of my late father
When I was 10 years old, my father noticed that I was an early riser. I had a terrible habit of waking everyone up in the house, especially on weekends. My family is still tormented by this proclivity. I have always been restless. Dad called this "having ants in my pants". That gave me a great idea about how to make fun of my eldest brother, Lance. Ants, France, Dance, Lance, etc. One day, I made the mistake of asking my father about this cool thing that the other kids at school were talking about.
Apparently, there was something called "an allowance", by which sorcery children actually got $ from their parents through the application of some childhood version of socialism. When I asked for an allowance, my father's response was one that will be both familiar and ominous to my siblings: he said "we'll see". A few days later, I was rousted out of bed on a July morning at 6 a.m. Dad was careful to get to me before even I awakened. Bleary eyed, he led me to the sidewalk outside of our rented duplex in Kensington.
There were newspapers, and I was to deliver them. Dad explained how this was done, and for the first two days, he walked the route with me and we delivered the newspapers. This was fun; the best part was just being with my dad. It felt special to have alone time with your Dad in a house filled with 5 kids. On the third day, I got up on my own. Dad was not around. I went to wake him up. He said that as of today, I was on my own. If I wanted $, I would need to deliver those papers every day, rain or shine. I would have to collect the $ from customers.
All of the profit would be mine. He did not force me to deliver those papers. He gave me the choice. I kept delivering those papers and came to fancy myself rather an Elon Musk. One day, I decided to show off to my friends by flashing all of the $ I had collected from customers to my friends at the local arcade. They were so impressed. I was on a real high, until I noticed on the way home that all of the $ was gone. I had not yet paid the Sun for the papers I delivered, and had no $ to pay for them.
I had a sort of Justin Trudeau approach to fiscal matters back then. Knees were trembling and palms were sweating when I told my dad. It was like walking down death row. He was not above spanking, especially when it was deserved. Dad would go for that belt like Burt Lancaster went for his gun as Wyatt Earp in "Gunfight at OK Corral", one of Dad's faves within his favorite movie genre.
I thought that I was really going to get it—and I did. But not the spanking. He paid the Sun but then made me pay him back. Every cent. For two months, I was working for the man, just like Roy Orbison. There was no profit. Just debt. This was lesson #1: Take Responsibility. I have never forgotten this, and it guides me in my business and private life to this very day.
To read the whole thing you can visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/five-lessons-from-my-father/

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Drag Race To Dictatorship
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An Excerpt From The Full Article:
Is Justin Trudeau grooming us to expect hypocrisy?
“Hypocrisy in anything whatever May deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised.”
- Leo Tolstoy
While on a French-Canadian television show earlier this year, Justin Trudeau lamented that there were still people in this country who are “fiercely against vaccination, who do not believe in science, they are often misogynistic, also often racists…it is a small group that muscles in. And we have to make a choice, in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?”
Among ‘these people’ are about 7 million well-informed Canadians who refused to participate in an experimental drug trial, even if it cost them their jobs. Also among them were the peacefully protesting Truckers whom Trudeau reviled, refusing so much as to meet with them to address their concerns. He suspended the civil liberties of an entire country in order to invoke state violence against them over a medical choice. He froze their bank accounts.
He seized their property. He arrested a 49 year old Métis grandmother and persecuted her for many months. While testifying under oath at the recent inquiry into use of this Draconian law, Trudeau explained that he did it all to protect us. He only regrets not getting more people injected with the experimental Covid-19 drugs that are now widely known to be ineffective and to cause grievous injury and even sudden death to otherwise healthy men, women, and children:
“Every heartbreaking story I hear of a family who sat beside the bed of a loved one who died because they believed the vaccines were more dangerous than the disease, I take personally, because I wish I could have done more to convince people to get vaccinated.”
- Justin Trudeau, Public Order Emergency Commission
Continue reading this article here: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/drag-race-to-dictatorship/

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Bully Boy - Alberta Responds to the Trudeau Agenda
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full article:
Remember that scene in “A Christmas Story” when little Ralphie finally decides that he is tired of running from and being pushed around by big, bad, Scut Farkas? After years of torment at the hands of this bully, Ralphie finally has had enough. He decides to reverse course on the fight or flight response and something inside just snaps.
Before he can even realize what has occurred, he is on top of Farkas, hailing punches down upon the prostate villain, who is lying on his back, sobbing and screaming for mercy. The scene reveals what we have always known, and what our parents used to teach us in less gynocentric times: that bullies are all cowards, and if you stand up to them and bloody their noses a little, it is likely as not that they will leave you alone or even run away.
Justin Trudeau is Alberta’s Scut Farkas.
It all started back in 2010:
Of course, this was a mere prelude to a kiss. The full brunt of his Scut Farkas assault upon Alberta was all yet to come, awaiting only Trudeau’s rise to power in 2015. Since then, he has repeatedly emerged from behind his rotted out fence in Ottawa to invoke various forms of political violence upon Albertans. The resulting barrage has been both punishing and constant. In no particular order...
To read the full article visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/bully-boy/

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Accountability Before Amnesty
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full essay:
A century ago, Adolf Hitler noted that ‘the receptivity of the masses is quite limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few select points and must harp upon these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want them to understand by your slogan.” Today, Leftists lie and hope that our attention spans are short, as do their media allies. Recently, “The Atlantic” published an article advocating for a “pandemic amnesty”, stating that we need to forgive each other because we were all in the dark about Covid. This is pure, unadulterated sophistry.
We were not at all in the dark. The mass media, social media, big Pharma, big corporate, and big government all conspired to violate our freedoms and destroy the lives of Canadians. This occurred not because these evil forces were ignorant or uncertain about the true threat that COVID posed to our health and safety; but instead because we were emphatically told that such tyrannical policies as eliminating church services, closing businesses, and imposing vaccine mandates would save lives. There was no ambiguity or conflation about what slogans were being propagandized or for what reasons.
With inflation raging nationwide, grocery and energy bills sky-rocketing, carbon taxes escalating, and an economy teetering on the brink of stagflation due to the Trudeau government’s disastrously incompetent COVID policies, we are still being told daily by witnesses at the Emergencies Act inquiry in Ottawa that COVID deniers are a threat to democracy. What about the damage to democracy and to our rights and liberties caused by the COVID lockdowns? The destruction of democracy and the erosion of social trust was far more dangerous during the pandemic lockdowns than a virus that only kills .04% of the population.
Moreover, if the future of democracy rests upon the next generation, then the lockdowns caused extraordinary harm to the developing minds and lives of Canadian children. This does not yet begin to address the propaganda being pushed in our public schools; however, plummeting mathematics ability and reading comprehension directly attributable to COVID lockdown hysteria will have generational impacts, the societal costs of which we must expect to be both profound and dire.
To read the full article visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/accountability-before-amnesty/

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Ivan Bombak have a conversation about the work his community is doing to help the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict in the Ukraine right now, some of the deeper history that has framed the breakout of the current state of war, and some of the bigger picture actions that Zelenskyy has been orchestrating during all this.
Ivan Bombak was born in 1955. He attended the University of Alberta and secured a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws and was admitted to the bar in 1981. He has been practicing law ever since.
Prominent Canadian psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson said he will be initiating a constitutional challenge over his psychologist license being at risk of being suspended, but has little faith it will succeed. Peterson said Tuesday the College of Psychologists of Ontario is demanding he do a course about social media etiquette.
Pawlowski said he remains on house arrest and faces up to 10 years in prison for participating in the Coutts Border Blockade. He said he continues to be persecuted and prosecuted by the state. The pastor said that since 2005 there have been 100 court cases, 340 citations, and 16 arrests.
Russian leaders dangled the possibility of a de-escalation of fighting in Ukraine, this time in the form of a 36-hour cease-fire that would have taken place over the holidays. But, in a pattern that is now familiar nearly a year into the war, Western and Ukrainian leaders broadly rejected the proposal, calling it a cynical effort to create space for resupplying Russian forces.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink agreed to coordinate investment in rebuilding Ukraine, Kyiv announced Wednesday following a meeting between the two men. A readout from the Ukrainian president’s official website said Zelenskyy and Fink had “agreed to focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country"
Bombak and Grey compare leadership styles between Putin and Zelenski while exploring the issues facing Russia and the Ukraine during this conflict, some of the experiences that immigrants and refugees are going through as they seek to find safety and normalcy, and how politicians are missing the mark when it comes to resolution due to their blinding virtue signaling.
To donate or support the work that Ivan Bombak and his associates are doing you can visit:
Alternatively you can deliver cheques and monetary contributions to:
Vegreville & District Chamber Of Commerce
5122 50 St, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R9
*Please make cheque payable to “Vegreville Cultural Association”
This episode’s recommended reading:
A Short History of Modern Philosophy - Roger Scruton
Russia Ukraine, Putin Zelenskyy - Valentine Green
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin - Timothy Snyder
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we have created has been censored by the YouTube platform and we are no longer sharing our content there. To check out all of our other episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here. https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
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Friday Jan 20, 2023
Norman Traversy has charged Justin Trudeau with obstruction of justice
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Norman Traversy have a conversation about his experience as a Firefighter in Mississauga, Ontario, how he came to be involved in the organization of the Canadian Freedom Convoy of 2022, and the work he has been doing to seek justice for the alleged crimes Justin Trudeau has committed during his reign as Prime Minister.
Norman Traversy is a Canadian, ex-firefighter who swore the firefighter’s oath to aid his fellow man in time of need. After a career in the fire service, Norman has dedicated his life to fighting the rampant corruption within Canadian society with the innovative use of previously ignored laws and methods.
Seeing that RCMP, Supervising Authorities, and the Main Stream Media haven't really done anything to bring charges against the Prime Minister for alleged crimes Norman Traversy filed a Private Prosecution against Justin Trudeau. Norman has served a letter to the Ethics Commissioner – concerning Trudeau’s obstruction of justice.
In a public statement the Justice for Canada team outlines their mission as follows: We call upon the Government of Canada to: Task the RCMP to conduct a comprehensive inquiry into the Trudeau, WE, and SNC-Lavalin scandals. Investigate the role of the Prime Minister and his Privy Council in the obstruction of justice in the aforementioned WE and SNC-Lavalin scandals. And investigate the monetary connections between the Trudeau family and the WE “Charity”
Traversy and Grey explore the situation with the Freedom Convoy and how it was organized as one of the most historical protests in Canadian history, why he’s decided to take up the fight against the alleged crimes committed by Justin Trudeau, and how he hopes things will unfold.
This episode’s recommended reading:
Justin Trudeau and The COVID-19 Agenda - Peter Tremblay
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we have created has been censored by the YouTube platform and we are no longer sharing our content there. To check out all of our other episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here. https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
For everything else Grey Matter Visit our LinkTree.

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Stella Morabito explains how Weaponized Loneliness is destroying our country
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Stella Morabito have a conversation about an experiment that illustrated the human response to group influence and mob mentality, her study of foreign propaganda and its influence on shaping and influencing culture on a global scale, and the role of identity politics in the current media warfare.
Stella writes about society, culture and education. Her essays have appeared in The Federalist, Washington Examiner, American Thinker, Public Discourse, Human Life Review, New Oxford Review.
In her previous work as an intelligence analyst, Morabito focused on various aspects of Russian and Soviet politics, including communist media and propaganda. She has always shown a fascination with the phenomenon of political correctness and has written extensively on these topics.
Stella studied the history of communism and totalitarianism, and the intense propaganda campaigns that labelled independent thinkers as “non-persons.” She found that as distrust and fear take root, people allow themselves to be sorted, hoping for safety. Instead, they become even more isolated from one another and vulnerable. Then they withdraw and cede their power in order to survive socially and physically (in that order.)
Stella's blog, she writes, is an attempt to explore this reality, to dissect it, and to shed a little bit of light on it. She continues on to say that if we want to preserve freedom of expression and freedom of association, we’d best face these facts head on. Her desire in sharing her writings is to help illuminate the connection between human bonding and power.
Morabito and Grey take a deep dive into the world of mental warfare and how people in positions of power deploy very specific tactics to divide and conquer the population, how the current narrative around gender identity has been actively distorting language to further a nefarious agenda, and some of the things we can do as individuals to combat these negative forces in our lives.
To find more from Stella Morabito you can visit: https://stellamorabito.net/
This episode’s recommended reading:
The Weaponization of Loneliness - Stella Morabito
Understanding Media - Marshall Mcluhan
The Whisperers - Orlando Figes
The Power of the Powerless - Vaclav Havel
Prisons We Choose to Live Inside - Doris Lessing
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes - Jacques Ellul
Obedience to Authority - Stanley Milgram
Experimenter - Official Trailer
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we have created has been censored by the YouTube platform and we are no longer sharing our content there. To check out all of our other episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here. https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
For everything else Grey Matter Visit our LinkTree.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Canada’s identity is at risk of being stolen by the Trudeau Government
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Brad Salzberg have a conversation about how he came to take an interest in multicultural policy in Canada which led to the formation of the Cultural Action Party, some of his perspectives on the immigration policy and how it is affecting Canadian Culture as a whole, and the Government’s involvement in media and propaganda.
Brad Salzberg is the founder of cultural Action Party of Canada, a patriot organization which stand in opposition to mass immigration a multicultural policy Canada
Cultural Action Party represents Canadian citizens who value, and wish to retain, Canada's traditional identity, heritage and official languages. They stand in direct opposition to globalist forces attempting to undermine and erode Canada's unique cultural identity.
With an emphasis on the rights of lower and middle-income Canadian citizens, Cultural Action Party monitors Canada's immigration policy and its economic/social impact upon Canadian society.
Salzburg and Grey explore the weaponization of the mainstream media and the public's response to it, where there is a disconnect between the ongoing socialist narrative and their marketing to other countries to encourage immigration, and some of the other farcical transgressions of the current Government Administration.
To find more from Brad Salzberg you can visit: https://capforcanada.com/
This episode’s recommended reading:
The Billionaire Murders - Kevin Donovan
Claws of the Panda - Jonathan Manthorpe
China Virus - Ezra Levant
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we have created has been censored by the YouTube platform and we are no longer sharing our content there. To check out all of our other episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here. https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
For everything else Grey Matter Visit our LinkTree.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Are vaccines really that bad? Dr Paul Offit shares his position.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Paul Offit have a conversation about his experience developing the Rotavirus Vaccine and how vaccine technology has evolved over the last century, whether the MRNa vaccine can be considered a success in a post COVID world, and the connection between Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and treatment of the COVID 19 infection.
Paul Allan Offit is an American pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, vaccines, immunology, and virology. He is the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine. Offit is the Maurice R. Hilleman Professor of Vaccinology, professor of pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, former chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Offit has published more than 130 papers in medical and scientific journals in the areas of rotavirus-specific immune responses and vaccine safety, and is the author or co-author of books on vaccines, vaccination, the rejection of medicine by some religious groups, and antibiotics.
Offit grew up in Baltimore, the son of a shirtmaker. He went to his father's sales meetings and reacted negatively to the tall tales told by salespeople, instead preferring the clean and straightforward practice of science. When he was five years old, he was sent to a polio ward to recover from clubfoot surgery; this experience caused him to see children as vulnerable and helpless, and motivated him through the 25 years of the development of the rotavirus vaccine.
Offit worked for 25 years on the development of a safe and effective vaccine against rotavirus, which is a cause of diarrhea, and which kills almost 600,000 children a year worldwide, about half as many as malaria kills; most deaths are outside the West. His interest in the disease stemmed from the death of a 9-month-old infant from rotavirus-caused dehydration while under his care as a pediatric resident in 1979.
In 2002, during a period of fears about bioterrorism, Offit was the only member of the CDC's advisory panel to vote against a program to give smallpox vaccines to tens of thousands of Americans. He later argued on 60 Minutes II and The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer that the risk of harm for people getting the vaccine outweighed the risk of getting smallpox in the U.S. at the time.
Offit and Grey explore the confusing world of vaccine technology and the science behind the development of new medicine, the importance of having open communication and dialogue around the science of health and medicine, and the dangers of the anti-vaccine narrative.
To find more from Paul Offit you can visit: https://www.paul-offit.com/
This episode’s recommended reading:
Vaccinated - Paul A. Offit M.D.
Deadly Choices - Paul A. Offit M.D.
Overkill -Paul A. Offit M.D.
You Bet Your Life - Paul A Offit MD
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us.
Some of the content we have created has been censored by the YouTube platform and we are no longer sharing our content there. To check out all of our other episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here. https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734
Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area!
For everything else Grey Matter Visit our LinkTree.