Monday Feb 20, 2023
Wake Up Call for Christians | Eric Metaxas
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Beautifully tying together historical heroes, the damages of woke ideology and the important call on the western church, Eric Metaxas and Leighton Grey have a stimulating discussion that will leave you wanting more!
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Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Throwback: The Emergencies Act Inquiry has been rigged from the start
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Brian Peckford have a conversation surrounding denigration of fundamental democratic institutions in Canada. Peckford, the last living drafter and signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is suing the Canadian federal government over its travel ban for the unvaccinated. Peckford and Grey have a conversation about the depth of the corruption in our judicial system, how our democratic system has evolved over the past couple decades, and where the emergencies act inquiry has failed us in its attempt to hold those wrongdoers accountable for their actions.
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Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Marxism | Commentary with Leighton Grey
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Dissecting Trudeau's dalliance with Marxism and socialism: Leighton Grey weighs in on this, in his weekly commentary.
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Friday Feb 10, 2023
Kill All Men | Commentary with Leighton Grey
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Leighton Grey’s latest op-ed on feminism, social constructs and the rise of a false intersectionality.
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Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming | Dr. Robert Malone
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Leighton Grey welcomes Dr. Robert Malone to discuss the phenomena of mass formation psychosis and how millions experienced coercion, isolation, agitation and concern about how the covid-19 pandemic was handled by various world leaders.
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Monday Feb 06, 2023
Dr. Robert Malone with Leighton Grey
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Leighton Grey welcomes Dr. Robert Malone to discuss the phenomena of mass formation psychosis and how millions experienced coercion, isolation, agitation and concern about how the covid-19 pandemic was handled by various world leaders.
For video of this interview, follow Grey Matter on Rumble.
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Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Christine Anderson, who has been involved in politics for two decades, sits down with Leighton and shares her thoughts on the need for courage, freedom and democracy in today's swiftly changing political landscape. How did Canada's freedom convoy inspire millions around the globe? How has the globalist agenda permeated the western world? And, what can you do about it? An invitation to purchase event tickets to Christine's Canadian tour is also given.
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Monday Jan 30, 2023
Liberal Gun Control: What is the real end game?
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full essay:
“Socialism: Ideas so good that they have to be mandatory.”- Unknown
A Short History of Canadian Gun Control
The history of gun control in Canada has demonstrated that it has been largely ineffectual in terms of reducing firearms related crimes. Rifles and shotguns are relatively easy to obtain, while handguns and semi-automatic rifles are restricted. The Criminal Law Amendment Act, was a gun control law passed by the Pierre Trudeau Liberals in 1977. Several studies have found that it had no impact on reducing homicide and robbery rates, and one such study even found that it may have actually increased robberies involving firearms.
In 2012, another study looked at gun control laws passed in Canada between 1974 and 2008. It found no evidence that these laws had a beneficial effect on firearm related homicide rates. According to the study, other more salient factors were found to be associated with homicide rates, such as median age, unemployment, immigration rates, poverty, population per police officer, and incarceration rates.
A 2013 study of the 1995 Firearms Act reported little evidence that it significantly reduced rates of lethal gun violence against women. This was the principal demographic identified by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his press conference announcing his Government’s 1 May 2020 Order in Council banning 1,500 kinds of military style semi-automatic rifles.
To read the full article visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/liberal-gun-control/
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Is the COVID-19 Pandemic an Existential Crisis?
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full article:
Since we’ve recently celebrated Christmas, I decided to approach a poignant topic from a religious and philosophical perspective. In this vein, I recalled a great theologian whose work I studied as an undergraduate at Lutheran College, and marked its application to the present global crisis. Martin Buber was one of the most brilliant religious thinkers of the 20th century. He has perhaps had more influence upon Christian thinking than any other Jewish philosopher in modern times. His ideas have transcended the spheres of education, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology, ethics, and even political philosophy.
Buber was born in 1878 and lived most of his early life with his grandfather at Lemberg in Galicia. Under his grandfather’s influence, he discovered Hasidism, a Jewish protest movement that was to greatly impact his own interpretation of life. He died in 1965. Buber studied at the universities of Vienna and Berlin before rising to become the chair of Jewish Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt. The Nazis’ rise to power interrupted his teaching. He resigned from his professorship in protest once Hitler came to power in 1933. From 1933-38, he taught in Jewish schools in Germany despite obvious persecution, helping to strengthen the identity and courage of his people.
In 1938, Buber settled in Jerusalem and lectured in anthropology throughout the Second World War. After the war, he became professor of social philosophy at Hebrew University and the pre-eminent Israeli philosopher. Buber retired in 1951, but still lectured in the U.K., the U.S., and elsewhere, extending the understanding of and interest in his profound ideas. Martin Buber’s classic work is entitled I and Thou. Though he does not ignore the darker side of the human condition, Buber was most concerned with exploring the positive, constructive dimensions of human experience.
To read the full article visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/is-the-covid-19-pandemic-an-existential-crisis/
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Towering Tyrants: What Is The Antidote?
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
An excerpt from the full article:
When I was a boy, “Nimrod” was an epithet describing someone lacking intelligence or sound judgment. In fact, Nimrod was a rather impressive personage. The great-grandson of Noah, Nimrod is described in Genesis as the first of the ante-diluvian “mighty men”. Nimrod it seems was much larger than the average man, a giant even. The Bible calls him “a mighty hunter before the Lord.” Nimrod established a great kingdom that included the infamous Babel. Nimrod was possessed of prodigious physical strength and an indomitable will. No wonder then that so many people of his time followed him, and that legends have emerged about him. Why then is his name associated with an insult or slur?
As the leader of the kingdom of Babel, Nimrod is of course connected with the infamous Tower described at Genesis Chapter 6. Hebrew lore holds that Nimrod swore revenge upon God, so that if God had a mind to drown the world again, Nimrod would build a tower too high for the waters to reach, and that Nimrod would thereby avenge God himself for destroying his forefathers. The motive for building the Tower was thus to protect humanity against another flood, ignoring of course that the reason for the first great deluge was humanity’s own wickedness and rebellion, from which mankind had refused to repent.
Nimrod was therefore rebellious against God, just like his forebears. He espoused a form of Old Testament secularism, persuading his people not to ascribe their strength to God as a means of fulfillment, but to believe instead that it was their own courage which procured such happiness. Construction of the Tower ended inexorably with a typical Old Testamentary demonstration of God’s power: He conflated the languages of those working on the Tower, making it impossible for them to communicate effectively to complete construction. And so Nimrod was proven a colossal fool: all of mankind’s strength and abilities, even the mightiest among them, are bestowed by a God who can rescind such emoluments at any moment.
To read the full article visit: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/towering-tyrants-what-is-the-antidote/